
Check Out The Most Bizarre Human Beings With Extra Body Parts

It’s really strange and may be even frightening but these freaks of nature are the same human beings as anyone else. But they have some extra body parts

Three breasted woman

Jasmine Tridevil is a three-brea-st*-ed woman. She had third brea*-st surgically implanted, but claims her brea-st*s are real and she doesn’t care what anybody thinks.

Girl with eight limbs

This Indian girl was born with four arms and four legs. A parasitic twin stopped developing in mother womb’s attached to her. The surviving foetus absorbed limbs and the kidneys.

The woman with a horn

The horn of this Chinese woman grows an inch every year.


Another interesting case of mutation was registered in China. A child was born with 16 toes. Besides that, the kid has 15 fingers.

Three legs and two hearts

George Lippert was born in Germany in 1844. In addition to being born with three legs, he was also born with two functioning hearts, although that condition was unknown until the autopsy in 1906.

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